Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cycle #3: Day 21

A few things to report:
  1. My cough has persisted in the way that I described before. It has maybe become a bit better but not overly so. When I cough something up, it is clear in colour, which is apparently good news. My doctors have put me on a small dose of prednisone to help with it. With the prednison, the cough has completely gone away. Hopefully the underlying condition will resolve shortly.
  2. I had a CT of my head, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Now I have a lot of tumours so it is not practical or meaningful for the radiologist to study every one of them, but overall the news is positive. Some nodules that appeared in my lungs 5 months ago (2 months before I even began treatment) appear smaller. Some additional bony lesions also look to have improved. A couple have also worsened but none threateningly so.
  3. I had an MRI of my spine that shows no significant change from approximately 3 months ago. This result is most reassuring as even minimal worsening at the spine usually requires a major intervention and can have very serious consequences.
  4. The lethargy that I have been feeling has extended a bit more into week 3 than it has in the past. I am still getting around doing things, but by the end of the day I am pretty zonked.

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