Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cycle #1: Day 19

Today I met with my oncologist as I have my second treatment this week. Some interesting takeaways:
  • I was only given 75% of the treatment in my first cycle because my platelets were so low (approximately 65K). My second treatment will be 85% of the full dose. They will continue the march towards 100% as long as my body holds up.
  • My platelets have actually increased during the first cycle.
  • Despite previously saying that I would lose all my hair, they are now saying that it may just thin. This is more consistent with what I heard from another patient who said that her hair only thinned while on the treatment. As of yet, nothing has happened to mine.
  • I have been given 2 prescriptions to help with the nausea that I encountered approximately 1 week after the treatment. The two drugs are Domperidone and Zofran. What I like about Zofran in particular is that it is taken under the tongue and dissolved while it's in your mouth. On days when I feel very nauseous, swallowing a pill is both uncomfortable, and may result in vomiting, which then leads to the problem of figuring out whether the pill had been absorbed or whether it was discharged with the vomiting. This solves that problem.
  • My treatments are 3 weeks apart, not 4. An administrative error had been made with my original scheduling and so I am indeed following the normal protocol as far as timing goes.
Overall, this past week was much like week #2. My energy was up, no fevers, no vomiting, very infrequent nausea. Again, not much to report.

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