Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cycle #1: Day 7

I have experienced some nausea over the last few days but no vomiting. Today the biggest change is huge fatigue and a fever. My temperature got up to 101.3 and my oncologist told me to call him with anything over 101. When I got a hold of him he said that he was not too concerned but that if it persisted to let him know and that I should come in for blood cultures and antibiotics. His best guess was that some of the cancer cells were dying (due to the CVD) and that this can sometimes cause's hoping that he's right. As it turned out the fever subsided by the next day so this became a non-issue. My BP has also returned to normal, which is nice. I had temporarily increased my doses (I added one Labetolol and one Doxazosin per day) but no longer need to do so, which is great because those meds are not without consequence.

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