Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cycle #1: Days 1 & 2

So today I began a treatment regimen involving cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dacarbazine, aka CVD. It is being administered to me over a 2-day period every 4 weeks. I am entering this treatment with a low platelet count due to previous treatments and surgeries, which is why it's every 4 weeks, not 3. It may also be the reason the CVD is being administered over 2 days, but I'm not sure about that. Before the treatment was given on each day, I was given Kytril, Emend, and dexamethasone. All 3 are intended to help with the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Historically I have had a very weak stomach and this has been a major concern of mine but I had no problems either day. Not sure if the meds are phenomenally successful or if it just hasn't kicked-in yet. I was also given Neulasta to help boost my WBC. The bloodwork will show if this made a difference or not.

I really only have 3 things to report so far:

1. My BP has increased. Even with Doxazosin and Labetolol my BP has climbed. I take this to mean that the tumours are being affected by the treatment and are reacting as they often do when they're manipulated. For most of Day 2 I was in the 170/100 range and if this continues I will probably need to increase my meds (currently 200mg/day Labetolol and 2mg/day Doxazosin).

2. I had a slight burning sensation during the infusion in the arm with the IV. Nothing bad but noticeable. The cocktail can irritate the veins as it goes in, which is all that it was.

3. The Dexamethasone is causing sleep problems for me, as it has in the past. For me it manifests itself in a 5 am wake-up from which I cannot go back to sleep. Manageable, yes, but still disruptive and annoying.

Other than that, nothing to report.

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